B Survival Distributions

The survival distributions we discuss here are all available in R. The most basic survival distribution is the Exponential distribution, not because it is useful in demographic applications (it isn’t), but because it is a reference distribution, a special case of other distributions, and a building block in many useful models.

The piecewise constant hazard, Gamma, and the Weibull distributions are all generalizations of the exponential.

B.1 Relevant Distributions in R

In R, there are several families of distributions available. The ones that are relevant in survival analysis are characterized by having positive support. For each family of distributions, four functions are available; a density function (name prefix d), a cumulative distribution function (name prefix p), a quantile function (name prefix q), and a random number generator (name prefix r). In the package eha, the two functions with prefix h and H are added for some distributions. For instance, for the Weibull distribution there are hweibull and Hweibull, where the first is the hazard function and the second is the cumulative hazards function.

We show exactly what these functions are and how to use them. It should be noted that in base R, there are no survival functions, hazard functions, or cumulative hazards functions. Some are available in the package eha and others. However, they can easily be derived from the given p- and d- functions.

B.1.1 The Exponential distribution

The exponential distribution is characterized by having a constant hazard rate \(\lambda\). It has density function \[ f(t; \lambda) = \lambda e^{-\lambda x}, \quad \lambda > 0, \; t > 0, \] and survival function \[ S(t; \lambda) = e^{-\lambda x}, \quad \lambda > 0, \; t > 0. \] The mean is \(1/\lambda\) (which also is the parameter), and the variance is \(1/\lambda^2\). The exponential distribution is represented in R by the functions pexp, dexp, qexp, and rexp, in order the cumulative distribution function, the density function, the quantile function (which is the inverse to the cumulative distribution function), and the random number generator function.

In Figure B.1 the relevant functions are plotted for an exponential distribution with \(\lambda = 1\) (the default value). It is created as follows.

x <- seq(0, 4, length = 1000)
oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
plot(x, dexp(x), type = "l", 
     main = "Density", ylab = "")
plot(x, pexp(x, lower.tail = FALSE), type = "l", 
     main = "Survival", ylab = "")
plot(x, hweibull(x, shape = 1), type = "l", 
     main = "Hazard", ylab = "")
plot(x, Hweibull(x, shape = 1), type = "l", 
     main = "Cumulative hazards", ylab = "")

Note that there are no functions hexp or Hexp, maybe because they are too simple, see Figure B.1. The fact that the exponential distribution is special case of the Weibull distribution (shape = 1) is utilized.

The exponential distribution with scale parameter 1.

FIGURE B.1: The exponential distribution with scale parameter 1.

The exponential distribution is characterized by the fact that it lacks memory. In other words, items whose life lengths follow an exponential distribution do not age; no matter how old they are, if they are alive they are as good as new. This concept is not useful when it comes to human lives, but the life lengths of electronic components are often modeled by the exponential distribution in reliability theory.

B.1.2 The piecewise constant hazard distribution

If the exponential distribution is not useful in describing human lives, it may be so for short segments of life. At least it will be a good approximation if the segment is short enough.

This is the idea behind the piecewise constant hazard distribution, called pch in eha. Its definition involves a partition of the time (age) axis, and one positive constant (the hazard level) corresponding to each interval. Note that the last interval will be open, with infinite length; only a finite number of cutpoints are allowed. The definition of the hazard function \(h\) becomes, with the cuts denoted \(\mathbf{t} = (t_1, < \cdots < t_n)\) and the levels denoted \(\mathbf{h} = (h_1, \ldots, h_{n+1})\): \[\begin{equation}\label{eq:pwcB} h(t; \mathbf{t}, \mathbf{h}) = \begin{cases} h_1 & t \le t_1, \\ %\cdots & \cdots \\ h_i & t_{i-1} < t \le t_i, \; i = 2, \ldots, n, \\ %\cdots & \cdots \\ h_{n+1} & t_n < t. \\ \end{cases} \end{equation}\] In this definition, the number of levels must be exactly one more than the number of cutpoints. The relevant functions are shown in Figure B.2, created as follows:

cuts <- c(1, 2, 3)
n <- length(cuts)
levels <- c(3, 2, 1, 2)
oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(2, 2), las = 1)
plot(x, dpch(x, cuts = cuts, levels = levels), 
     type = "l", main = "Density", ylab = "", xlab = "t")
plot(x, ppch(x, cuts = cuts, levels = levels, lower.tail = FALSE), 
     type = "l", main = "Survival", ylab = "", xlab = "t")
##plot(x, hpch(x, cuts = cuts, levels = levels),
plot(c(0, cuts[1]), c(levels[1], levels[1]),
     type = "l", main = "Hazard", ylab = "", xlab = "t",
     ylim = c(0, max(levels) + 0.2), xlim = c(0, max(x) + 0.2))
for (i in 1:(n - 1)){
    lines(c(cuts[i], cuts[i+1]), c(levels[i+1], levels[i+1]))
lines(c(cuts[n], Inf, c(levels[n+1], levels[n+1])))
plot(x, Hpch(x, cuts = cuts, levels = levels), 
     type = "l", main = "Cumulative hazard", 
     ylab = "", xlab = "t")
Piecewise constant hazard distribution.

FIGURE B.2: Piecewise constant hazard distribution.


Note that, despite the fact that the hazard function is not continuous, the other functions are. They are not differentiable at the cut points, though.

The piecewise constant hazard distribution is very flexible. It can be made arbitrarily close to any continuous distribution by increasing the number of cutpoints and choosing the levels appropriately. Parametric proportional hazards modeling with the pch distribution is a serious competitor to the Cox regression model, especially with large data sets.

B.1.3 The Weibull distribution

The Weibull distribution is a very popular parametric model for survival data, described in detail by Waloddi Weibull (Weibull 1951), but known earlier. It is one of the so-called extreme-value distributions, and as such very useful in reliability theory. It is becoming popular in demographic applications, but in mortality studies it is wise to avoid it for adult mortality (the hazard grows too slow) and mortality in ages 0–15 years of age (U-shaped hazards, which the Weibull model doesn’t allow).

The hazard function of a Weibull distribution is defined by \[ h\bigl(t; (p, \lambda)\bigr) = \frac{p}{\lambda}\biggl(\frac{t}{\lambda}\biggr)^{p-1}, \quad t, p, \lambda > 0. \] where \(p\) is a shape parameter and \(\lambda\) is a scale parameter. When \(p = 1\), this reduces to \(h(t; (1, \lambda) = 1/\lambda\), which is the exponential distribution with rate \(1 / \lambda\). Compare to the definition of the exponential distribution and note that there \(\lambda\) is the rate and here it is a scale parameter, which is the inverted value of the rate.

As mentioned above, the Weibull distribution has a long history in reliability theory. Early on simple graphical tests were constructed for judging if a real data set could be adequately described by the Weibull distribution. The so-called Weibull paper was invented. Starting with the definition of the cumulative hazards function \(H\), \[ H\bigl(t; (p, \lambda)\bigr) = \biggl(\frac{t}{\lambda}\biggr)^p, \] by taking logarithms of both sides we get \[ \ln H\bigl(t; (p, \lambda)\bigr) = p \ln(t) - p \ln(\lambda) \] with \(x = \ln t\) and \(y = \ln H(t)\), this is a straight line. So by plotting the Nelson-Aalen estimator of the cumulative hazards function against log time, it is possible to graphically check the Weibull and exponential assumptions.

Is it reasonable to assume that the survival data in the data set mort can be modeled by the Weibull distribution? We construct the Weibull plot with the following code.

par(las = 1)
xx <- coxreg(Surv(enter, exit, event) ~ 1, data = mort)
plot(xx, fn = "loglog", xlab = "time", ylab = "Cum. hazards")
Weibull plot (log-log scale) of male mortality data.

FIGURE B.3: Weibull plot (log-log scale) of male mortality data.

The result is shown in Figure B.3.

Except for the early disturbance, linearity is not too far away (remember that the log transform magnifies the picture close to zero). Is the slope close to 1? Probably not, the different scales on the axis makes it hard to judge exactly. We can estimate the parameters with the function, see Table ??.

The estimate of the shape parameter is 1.393, and it is significantly different from 1 (\(p = 0\)), so we can firmly reject the hypothesis that data come from an exponential distribution.

B.1.4 The Lognormal distribution

The lognormal distribution is connected to the normal distribution through the exponential function: If \(X\) is normally distributed, then \(Y = \text{exp}(X)\) is lognormally distributed. Conversely, if \(Y\) is lognormally distributed, then \(X = \text{log}(Y)\) is normally distributed.

The lognormal distribution has the interesting property that the hazard function is first increasing, then decreasing, in contrast to the Weibull distribution which only allows for monotone (increasing or decreasing) hazard functions.

The R functions are named (dpqrhH)lnorm.

B.1.5 The Loglogistic distribution

The loglogistic distribution is very close to the lognormal, but has heavier tail to the right. Its advantage over the lognormal is that the hazard function has closed form. It is given by \[\begin{equation*} h(t; (p, \lambda)) = \frac{\frac{p}{\lambda}(\frac{t}{\lambda})^{p-1}}{1 + (\frac{t}{\lambda})^p}, \quad t, p, \lambda > 0. \end{equation*}\] With shape \(p = 2\) and scale \(\lambda = 1\), its appearance is shown in Figure B.4.

Loglogistic hazard function with shape 2 and scale 1.

FIGURE B.4: Loglogistic hazard function with shape 2 and scale 1.

It is produced by the code

x <- seq(0, 10, length = 1000)
plot(x, hllogis(x, shape = 2, scale = 1), 
     type = "l", ylab = "", xlab = "Time")
abline(h = 0)

The R functions are named (dpqrhH)llogis.

B.1.6 The Gompertz distribution

The Gompertz distribution is useful for modeling old age mortality. The hazard function is exponentially increasing. \[\begin{equation} h(t; (p, \lambda)) = p \exp\biggl(\frac{t}{\lambda}\biggr), \quad t, p, \lambda > 0. \end{equation}\] It was suggested by Gompertz (1825).

The R functions are named (dpqrhH)gamma.

B.1.7 The Gompertz-Makeham distribution

The Gompertz distribution was generalized by Makeham (1860). The generalization consists of adding a positive constant to the Gompertz hazard function, \[\begin{equation} h(t; (\alpha, p, \lambda)) = \alpha + p \exp\biggl(\frac{t}{\lambda}\biggr), \quad t, \alpha, p, \lambda > 0. \end{equation}\] It is more difficult to work with than the other distributions described here. It is not one of the possible choices in the functions or in eha.

The R functions are named (dpqrhH)makeham.

B.1.8 The Gamma distribution

The Gamma distribution is another generalization of the exponential distribution. It is popular in modeling shared frailty, see Hougaard (2000). It is not one of the possible distributions for the functions and , and it is not considered further.

The R functions are named (dpqr)gamma.

B.2 Proportional Hazards Models

Proportional hazards families of distributions are characterized by the property that if a distribution with hazard function \(h(t), t > 0\) belongs to the family, so does all distributions with hazard functions \(\Psi h(t), t > 0; \Psi > 0\). Natural proportional hazards families of distributions include the Weibull, Exponential, Extreme value, Gompertz, and Piecewise constant hazard families of distributions.

As an example, the proportional hazards Gompertz family of distributions is characterized by the hazard functions

\[\begin{equation} h_{\Psi}(t) = \Psi \exp(\alpha t), \quad t > 0; \; \Psi > 0, \end{equation}\] for each fixed \(\alpha\), that is, by keeping \(\alpha\) fixed and vary \(\Psi\), one proportional hazards family of distributions is created. We note in passing that if \(\alpha = 0\), then the resulting family of distributions is exponential with rate \(\Psi\), and if \(\alpha < 0\), then the distribution is degenerate (the probability of “eternal life” is positive). In the phreg function in eha, \(\alpha\) is allowed to vary freely, if the parameterization param = "rate" is chosen. Note that it is not the default value (it may be in a near future).

Extended, three-parameter, versions of the Lognormal and Loglogistic are fit into the proportional hazards framework in the function phreg. It is simply done by adding a multiplicative positive constant to the hazard function as the third parameter. It is, at the time of this writing, experimental, so use with care.

B.3 Accelerated Failure Time Models

Accelerated failure time families of distributions are defined by the property that if a distribution with survivor function \(S(t), t > 0\) belongs to the family, so does any distribution with survivor function \(S(\Psi t), t > 0; \Psi > 0\). Natural families with this property include the Lognormal, Loglogistic, Weibull, Extreme value, and Exponential families. With a small twist, also the Gompertz distribution can be (and is, in aftreg) included.


Gompertz, B. 1825. “On the Nature of the Function Expressive of the Law of Human Mortality, and on a New Mode of Determining the Value of Life Contingencies.” Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London 115: 513–85.
Hougaard, P. 2000. Analysis of Multivariate Survival Data. Berlin: Springer.
Makeham, W. M. 1860. “On the Law of Mortality and the Construction of Annuity Tables.” J. Inst. Actuaries and Assur. Mag. 8: 301–10.
Weibull, W. 1951. “A Statistical Distribution Function of Wide Applicability.” J. Appl. Mech.-Trans. ASME 18: 293–97.